
Magnify the Solution not the Problem

Magnify Solutions Not Doubt...
Meetings are held to discuss or devise a plan of action.  Contracts are awarded to entrepreneurs because of more expertise in an area.  New technology is only implemented because specific information needs to be exposed for decision-making.  New tactics for sales and marketing are  deployed because of a shift in direction due to stagnant or changing times.  Custodial engineers (formerly known as janitors) are hired to work after hours to ensure the cleanliness and decency of the office. In essence, most people go to work because they have been employed to solve a problem.  But what most do not understand is that magnifying the solution increases their value instead of reiterating the problem.

Discussing a problem continuously reflects poorly on the person initiating the conversation.  It demonstrates poor team spirit since the collaborative strength is demonstrated in the person who can cover for the weakest link.  It further speaks volumes to the level of forgiveness and tolerance that is not granted to others but surely expected in return.  Instead, the conversation should either cease or take a turn towards the solution.

For any problem there is a solution, either short-term or long-term.  The plan of action should be announced to all appropriate parties via an internal communication outlining what will be resolved with clear expectations on when there will be a noticeable decrease in the problem or its residue. This informs everyone involved that initiatives are in force to ensure those affected will not encounter a repeat offense. It further reduces the noise surrounding the problem allowing positive reinforcement for change management and adoption of the solution.

In all, there are noisemakers and peacemakers in every situation.  The squeaky faucet is never respected nor admired but the wrench is always viewed as the keeper.  Promote the wrench and tighten credibility by magnifying the solution that solves the problem.

Be sure to follow on Twitter @temekoruns.

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