
6 Tips for a Budding Executive or Entrepreneur

Oftentimes we want the promotion, business, or promising invention but don't know how or are not willing to prevent making mistakes that can deter our path to success. 

The following lists describes some basics that I had to learn when positioning myself for the next goal:
1)  If you are a “people” person, being kind can eventually be a roadblock to success if you allow yourself to become an easy target for others to take advantage.  When people show you who they are, believe them.  Remember to make no excuses for anyone especially when it comes to your involvement in a business.  It will cost you dearly.
2)  You must know how to leave gracefully when you stop learning and/or yearning for success in it.  Do not keep holding on to a dead end situation.  Sometimes we don’t know to terminate contracts or positions when there are too many issues because we become complacent with the continual income or camaraderie. 
3) Always know your worth and stick to it.  Once you start discounting your rates, services and products to the same prices that are warranted by cheap labor and material, your talent is devalued.  If your industry has started global outsourcing, be sure to highlight what you bring to the table that can not be learned or obtained by the outsourced communities.
4) Always have a financial backup for when customers pay at will or as slow as 120 days.  It is much harder for a business to overcome the reputation of having had to let employees go than not paying employees on time.  Always think of new revenue-generating items that will help you through any potential economic downturns.
5). Everyone is not eager and receptive to your dreams. When you are young, you are told to tell people about your dream career. But there is a big difference between telling this in your teens and beyond your twenties. When you are an adult, you have more responsibility and naturally more people can attempt to block your opportunities and distract you from achieving your goals.  The biggest distraction is needy people who will have you focus so much on helping them that your dreams are placed on a back burner. 
6). Reserve the right to fight but don't initiate war when you can negotiate peace.   In other words, pick your battles.  Solving problems should always be the mission and winning allies is a necessity.  This means never allow someone to set you up for failure but also strike a balance of a cooperative spirit.

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