
Three Things Leaders Never Say

There are leaders, managers, and supervisors and there is a difference between all three.  Leaders position and encourage others to do well.  Managers oversee administrative tasks and status of projects.  Supervisors normally micromanage and check every deadline and whereabouts of the employees.  Leaders are visionary and are not normally as detailed-oriented or overly anal as supervisors.  

But there can be success as a manager who thinks like a leader if 3 things are not said to the masses.

1)  It's always been this way.  But that does not make it right or even fair.  If people are complaining about an antiquated rule that was put in place because someone took advantage of prior managers, be empowered to change it.  Leaders listen and identify with people by putting themselves in their shoes.  A little shake-up to the status quo increases the trust of the leader.

2)  That's not what is really happening.  Managers who take the hands-off approach normally have no clue what is going on with their subordinates.  They believe they have "made it" because they have been assigned the bigger cubicle or office.  Perception is reality and if more than one person in the office is complaining about it, it is a problem that needs to be addressed.  Leaders don't take aggregated complaints lightly.  They handle them.

3)  It will work itself out.  Wrong again.  No it won't.  If the language barrier, work ethic, interpersonal, communication, finance, morale issue was not taken care of when it was small or affected less people, letting it continue will morph into bigger problems like missed deadlines, decreased customer satisfaction or support, jeopardized bottom line and employee turnover.  Leaders face the problem and come up with a plan to fix it.

Trusted leaders have dedicated teams because they accept when it is time to change and do what is necessary to make a positive impact for the group.  Leaders know exactly what to say.

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