
Fix Your Face

In every work environment or business meeting, there will be something idiotic said, a person who knows nothing about what he/she is speaking about, and someone who thrives off making noise on a seemingly calm subject.  It is at these times that it is important to wear the poker face instead of demonstrating disgust, disagreement, or lack of support.  Once expressions are neutral, no one can push buttons that can cause a temporary loss of professionalism.

So here's three ways to avoid showing facial expressions:
  1. Turn eye contact to an object that has visual content.  Always bring a notebook, computer or tablet to the meeting.  Gradually turn to one of these and stare aimlessly like you are focusing on what is written or typed.  In fact, you are focusing...on not telling someone how you really feel about what was said.
  2. Internalize a monologue.  Yes this means talking to yourself with no one noticing.  No lip movement just intense thought that does not spill into a conversation or dialogue with others.  Knowing how to master this is important if meetings take up a major part of your day because patience will eventually run out on hearing nonsense.
  3. Calmly change the topic.  Segue from the existing topic into a new one that diverts the attention and allows sensible discussion to begin.  This is a little tricky if the culprits become defensive so be sure to comfort them with a promise to return to the subject if there is enough time.
Poker face is the most valuable characteristic one can have. It disarms anyone from crossing boundaries that can push the limits.  It further keeps you calm enough to handle any noise that is not conducive to resolving problems.  So let them cry wolf and speak what they do not know.  You just FIX YOUR FACE!

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